Friday, December 18, 2009

The daily life in patients with breast hyperplasia Eight Points for Attention

Mammary hyperplasia and endocrine disorders, but also with the mental state. Hyperplasia occurs in more vigorous stage of ovarian function, and menstrual cycles. Mild hyperplasia often the performance of no particular discomfort, and sometimes a little breast pain or tenderness in the menstrual period obviously does not have serious health effects.

The normal development of the mammary gland is estrogen and progesterone in vivo synergistic effect. Arising from mammary hyperplasia and endocrine disorders, but also with the mental state. Hyperplasia occurs in more vigorous stage of ovarian function, and menstrual cycles. Mild hyperplasia often the performance of no particular discomfort, and sometimes a little breast pain or tenderness in the menstrual period obviously does not have serious health effects. However, in order not to increase the degree of proliferation, usually Grade care, pay attention to the menstrual period health care, to avoid the irritability, anger, cold food or cold bath, not too tight bra and do breast self-examination.

The daily life in patients with breast hyperplasia Eight Points for Attention

1, psychological treatment is very important

Mammary hyperplasia of the human body, the psychological harm than the damage due to the lack of a correct understanding of the disease, adverse psychological factors, anxiety grief over excitement, resulting in neurasthenia, will add to endocrine disorders, to promote hyperplasia of the heavier and should therefore be to disarm the kinds of adverse psychological stimulus. Psychological endurance to the poor people should pay attention, less angry, maintaining emotional stability, lively and cheerful mood that is conducive to proliferation of early recovery.

2, change their diet to prevent obesity

Eat less fried foods, animal fats, sweets and excessive tonic foods, to eat more vegetables and fruits, eat more whole grains. Black soy beans the best, eat walnuts, black sesame, black fungus, mushrooms.

3, life should be the law of

Life should be the law of work and rest, maintaining a harmonious sexual life. Endocrine disorders can be adjusted to maintain smooth stool will reduce breast pain.

4, more exercise to prevent obesity, improve immunity.

Studies have shown that obesity on the immune system has a profound influence disease risk faced by obese people is much higher than ordinary people.

5, prohibition of abuse of contraceptives and estrogen-containingBeauty products, do not eat chicken with estrogen-fed beef. Duo

6, to avoid the flow of people, many breast-feeding mothers can take preventive measures. Duo

7, self-examination and regular review. Duo

8, a clear diagnosis, the condition of patients to develop a reasonable treatment. At present a comprehensive treatment of Chinese herbal medicine specialist, a breakthrough was made, the effect is more significant. Such as breast cysts or small length of time after treatment were about 2 weeks away. Timely and correct the endocrine hyperplasia of the breast, lumps, pain, facial nerve can be removed after treatment of acute mastitis can relieve pain

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